Thursday, September 29, 2011

President Obama Articles

1. The photograph is President Obama and a group of men. They are walking back from a ferry in an unusual manner.         
          A. President obama and the group of mena are walking together in an accomplished way. They look happy or excited as if the finished an important mission. Obama is walking alone compared to the other men. He looks as if he is the hero in the photo.
         B. What are the mayor and the other men of Alabama doing with him. What did they do that they are walking back in sucha nd excited way.

1.  The picture is of President Obama. Obama is sitting there in a thinking mood.
      A. Obama looks older and tired. He looks confused. 
      B.Why does he look so stressed out and worried. What questions were they asking him that made him look like that.

Question: What picture gives you more confidence in the Presidents leadership abilities? Why?

Answer: Picture 1 demonstrates that Obama has great leadership abilities. By the way the men and him walk together as a group. Although they're in a group Obama is walking to himself towards the front. That shows that he is leading the group and walking ato the side of them. Another example is the way he walks. Obama is walking in a confident way which shows he is confident and and accomplished a mission.

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