Sunday, September 4, 2011

Double Journal Entry #2

"Students already understand that particular styles of language are appropriate for one venue but not another (calling a teacher "Mr. Matthews" but using first names for friends). They understand (and probably even expect) reminders."

Most students do understand the difference between the appropriate language. I started texting at a very young age, so i did often use the texting lingo. Although I was young and texted quite often I still understood what was appropriate for an actual conversation or for a texting or instant messaging conversation. Yes more and more different acronyms are being used like htc, hmu, idc (hit the cell, hit me up, i dont care) but that doesn't mean that they will be used in everyday writing. There could be a possible case where a child could be confused on what language is appropiate for the school environment. If that comes across, the teacher could easily enforce her teachings and demonstrate what the correct language would be. A teacher always needs to make accomadations according to her students needs.

Brown, N. S. (n.d.). Educational Leadership:Literacy 2.0:Are Digital Media Changing Language?. Membership, policy, and professional development for educators – ASCD. Retrieved September 4, 2011, from 

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  1. Hi Ana,
    Just a thought: communication is a two-way street. So adults need to adapt to the new way of communicating with children, or do children need to adapt to the way adults communicate? Communication is a two-way street. I think we should always remind students that not all people have access to digital technology nor may not be as proficient at using it.

  2. Ana,
    I agree with you most students know what is appropriate and what is not. Teachers need to tell students if they do write wrong on their assignments that they are not supposed to do that on papers only in personal communication.

  3. I agree with your post. I think that it is up to the teacher to address possible issues with texting lingo in classroom assignments. I feel that teachers should enforce proper grammar at all times so students are clear as to what's acceptable and what isn't.
