Sunday, September 11, 2011

Double Journal Entry #3


"David Crystal, the author of “Txtng: The Gr8 Db8,” told me in an e-mail message that “there’s nothing in texting to suggest spelling reform,” noting that texting relies heavily on abbreviations, which he sees as creative stylings, not systematic improvements."

 I completely agree with the idea David Crystal has in mind. Texting is used very often by everyone in this society. It is thought of as a simpler way of  communicating with one another. Texting is used by anyone  all over the world. I often text through out the day and night. With a few words I can communicate with anyone in any state or country. It is often argued whether the texting lingo is affecting the English language. In my opinion texting is just way of taking a break and shortening the words. It's faster and easier. Though we use words and numbers to abbreviate we still keep in mind the correct way of spelling. Words such as " LOL, JK, WRUD" may come up in a few texts but not at all times. I am required to spell everything out in most of my classes so that influences me to do the same in texting. The lingo is just a style used in texting but it is not affecting the English language in any way.

Reference: SHEA, A. (n.d.). On Language - The Keypad Solution - NY Times Advertisement. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from

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  1. I don't think texting will affect the English language either. As much as people push there will not be any reform to the English language and teachers and professors will continue to require that their students use proper spelling and grammar. Texting is just as you said, a simpler way to express a message. I don't see this lingo being used in any scholastic way.

  2. I like that you said you still strive to use complete words and sentences, even though you do use some of the abbreviations at times. I think as long as people know when it's appropriate to use the lingo and when it's not, there won't be any real problems with it. Good post!

  3. I got to Disagree a little here. I see some of these shortening of words coming up in many other things other than text messages. An older lady i know that isnt the greatest at spelling has started using 2day instead of today. I call her out on it all time
