Thursday, September 29, 2011

Double Entry Journal #6

Students need a visual analysis worksheet, such as “Reading Media Photographs” (see Figure 6 on page 34), to structure their thinking about observations and inferences. Each observable element can be interpreted from three distinct perspectives.

Reaction: Students do sometimes need some type of help when criticizing an image. I know that when I first look at a image I dont realize what has been edited for advertisement or even elections. With  visual analysis worksheets it could really help a child out. The students need to know that the photos are editing or used falsely only for one purpose. The publishers are to influence you're belief or idea of something. It used in every day magazines, newspapers, etc. With a visual analysis worksheet they can find the true image.

Reference: Resource: Abilock, D. (2003, Nov. - Dec.). A Seven-Power Lens on Multimedia Literacy. Multimedia Schools, 1, 31-35.

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President Obama Articles

1. The photograph is President Obama and a group of men. They are walking back from a ferry in an unusual manner.         
          A. President obama and the group of mena are walking together in an accomplished way. They look happy or excited as if the finished an important mission. Obama is walking alone compared to the other men. He looks as if he is the hero in the photo.
         B. What are the mayor and the other men of Alabama doing with him. What did they do that they are walking back in sucha nd excited way.

1.  The picture is of President Obama. Obama is sitting there in a thinking mood.
      A. Obama looks older and tired. He looks confused. 
      B.Why does he look so stressed out and worried. What questions were they asking him that made him look like that.

Question: What picture gives you more confidence in the Presidents leadership abilities? Why?

Answer: Picture 1 demonstrates that Obama has great leadership abilities. By the way the men and him walk together as a group. Although they're in a group Obama is walking to himself towards the front. That shows that he is leading the group and walking ato the side of them. Another example is the way he walks. Obama is walking in a confident way which shows he is confident and and accomplished a mission.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Double Journal Entry #5

QUOTE: As I watched him clumsily cramming together scads of the video clips, graphics, sounds, buttons, and a few words, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bits: He was trying to create art, and no one had shown him how.

REACTION:  Using and applying technology in classrooms is always a great idea. There are some important factors that need to contributed into the material. Although we are applying photo stories, power point, and other technological tools into our material the actual purpose needs to be explained. The student in the story had not got the idea of what art really was. The teacher had done a great job with using the tools but she had not actually taught the child art. Students need to know what the actual purpose and not just the technology.

REFERENCE:Ohler, Jason . "Art Becomes the Next R." Educational Leadership Magazine Sep. 2011: 16-19. Google Docs. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Digital Photo Story Discusssion

While making the digital story I learned how to use many different cites and tools to complete and organize a photo story. For my project I chose a a quote that is important to me and chose my story according to the quote. I added music and words that added more emphasize to the story. The pictures I chose all showed an important priority for a teacher. It mainly talks about what teachers do and are and how they contribute to a childs success. The photo story was to be well organized and designed with the use of many tools. The photo story was posted on my blog to be reviewed by my instructor and fellow students.

According to the  ISTE NETS it says "design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity". In my opinion this activiry goes along with this standard. While making the photo story I chose different qualities about a teacher that have really impacted me. I also contributed with my creativity while chosing the images and words for the story. All of my work really had to work together to make a good story. I used many tools like powerpoint, Tinyurl, windows media, photo story 3, and others, to create a well put together story. I now know how to use these tools for future reference.

The grade I am going to be teaching will hopefully be 2nd or 3rd grade.There are many activities that I can use with photo story. Since I will be teaching many different subjects it will be very useful One activity that can be done is by creating a photo story for the students containing the material. The students will learn the material in a easier and more fun way.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Double Journal Entry #4

   Quote: "The problem for many students their focus on the power of the technology rather then the power of their stories. Some students are engaging the medium at the expense of their message, producing a technical event rather than a story."

Reaction: I completely see where Ohler is coming from. Sometimes students, especially younger students, don't realize what the main purpose is for. You can easily get carried away when were working with technology. You want to make your video better than everyone else's. Though that may be the case you shouldn't discourage the technology. By being a teacher you should show the students what the main purpose is for the activity. Yes we are helping the child by showing him/her different ways of using technology but we need to describe what else we are improving. While working on my story I am enjoying all this cool features for the photos but at the same time see the common purpose my Professor is trying to get through. As long as the students are taught the main purpose the message will be received.

Resource:Ohler, Jason. "The World of Digital Storytelling." The World of Digital Storytelling. Version Article 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Double Journal Entry #3


"David Crystal, the author of “Txtng: The Gr8 Db8,” told me in an e-mail message that “there’s nothing in texting to suggest spelling reform,” noting that texting relies heavily on abbreviations, which he sees as creative stylings, not systematic improvements."

 I completely agree with the idea David Crystal has in mind. Texting is used very often by everyone in this society. It is thought of as a simpler way of  communicating with one another. Texting is used by anyone  all over the world. I often text through out the day and night. With a few words I can communicate with anyone in any state or country. It is often argued whether the texting lingo is affecting the English language. In my opinion texting is just way of taking a break and shortening the words. It's faster and easier. Though we use words and numbers to abbreviate we still keep in mind the correct way of spelling. Words such as " LOL, JK, WRUD" may come up in a few texts but not at all times. I am required to spell everything out in most of my classes so that influences me to do the same in texting. The lingo is just a style used in texting but it is not affecting the English language in any way.

Reference: SHEA, A. (n.d.). On Language - The Keypad Solution - NY Times Advertisement. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reading and Writing

After taking the Learning style Test, I have learned that I am mainly a read and write learner. To better understand the things, I am learning, I usually read it over many times. Some study strategies I use are to read it over silently to myself. For tests I usually write down the possible answers as many times as possible.There are endless strategies that I use to study and/or learn. As long as I read and write about a subject, it will stay with me. My results did show that I was also Multimodal. I learn in a variety of ways. I found these results extremely accurate to my learning style. I can learn in many ways but by reading and writing any subject over and over really improves my learning.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wordle and Poll everywhere

In the class, Educ 2201, we worked with wordle (the text analysis toll) and poll everywhere. Poll everywhere is a website that allows someone to answer a question anonymously.  Everyone in the classroom made their own poll and answered a few other polls. After receiving the answers from my classmates I copy and pasted the answers to the wordle. I designed the wordle and made some adjustments and added it as a post on my page. This activity really showed me how useful technology is for even teaching. A simple activity such as wordle can be used for any subject or age. By doing this activity, I found new tools that can be used for the classroom environment. These tools are really useful when working with shy'er students.

Wordle is a great tool that I would like to use in my classroom. There are endless activities that could be used with working with smaller children. Since i'm going to be an elementary teacher I am going to be working with different subjects. One activity that could be used for English is working with vocabulary words. With wordle the students could learn the definition and the spelling of the words. After reviewing the words they could categorize the words according to noun, adjective,verb, etc.  If they're working with the states and capitals I could design a wordle, with a few states at a time, and hand it out on a page. By looking at  the wordle, the students could familiarize and learn them in an easier and more fun way. Poll everywhere is a great activity when asking a more private question. If the students answer you're question anonymously they would more than likely answer it truthfully. After seeing what the children had problems with I could easily workwith them by knowing what needs improvement.Tools such as wordle and poll everywhere could be really useful for my future students and classroom.

Wordle has a connection with ISTE NETS-T because it promotes, supports, and models creative and innotative thinking and inventiveness. By using wordle in an activity I open the creativity in a childs mind. They colors and designs allows the children to view the words in a different way.

Poll everywhere also has a connection with ISTE NETS-T. The standard says model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. With poll everywhere it allows the children to anounmously answer a question and engage with different students. The students can discuss different subjects and engage in them by using the poll everywhere tool.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Double Journal Entry #2

"Students already understand that particular styles of language are appropriate for one venue but not another (calling a teacher "Mr. Matthews" but using first names for friends). They understand (and probably even expect) reminders."

Most students do understand the difference between the appropriate language. I started texting at a very young age, so i did often use the texting lingo. Although I was young and texted quite often I still understood what was appropriate for an actual conversation or for a texting or instant messaging conversation. Yes more and more different acronyms are being used like htc, hmu, idc (hit the cell, hit me up, i dont care) but that doesn't mean that they will be used in everyday writing. There could be a possible case where a child could be confused on what language is appropiate for the school environment. If that comes across, the teacher could easily enforce her teachings and demonstrate what the correct language would be. A teacher always needs to make accomadations according to her students needs.

Brown, N. S. (n.d.). Educational Leadership:Literacy 2.0:Are Digital Media Changing Language?. Membership, policy, and professional development for educators – ASCD. Retrieved September 4, 2011, from 

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

My poll

Click here to take my poll
                                                      Poll Results