Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Double Entry Journal #1

"That classroom needs new ways of measuring progress, tailored to digital times — rather than to the industrial age or to some artsy utopia where everyone gets an Awesome for effort." (Heffernen, August 29,2011)


Reading the journal really showed me that technology is a truly important factor in our children's lives. Teachers sometimes think that technology is a distraction to the students. Ipods,mp3 players, and anything electonically is prohibited in class. They dont realize that the if they include technology in the studies, it will increase the learning.While helping them learn it can aslo expand their learning. In the future, technology will be farther along. The students will then be adults and will need jobs. The jobs that will be available will definitely include technology that doesn’t even exist yet. The only way we can help is by going along with technology and expanding the knowledge. Teachers need to start preparing the students for the future.


Heffernan, V. (2011, August 7). Education needs a digital upgrade. Retrieved from http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/07/education-needs-a-digital-age-upgrade/?hp
This video shows how important technology is to our childrens lives.


  1. I agree with this Ana! I think that if teachers would use technology that it could increase the learning. Great Job!

  2. Ana,
    You are correct that we are preparing students for jobs that do not exist.
    Great job!

  3. Yes, it is sad that so much technology is being prohibited in the classroom, rather than being integrated and used to achieve its full benefits. Technology is going to continue to grow and if we don't get used to it now, it may be too late to catch up.

  4. Students and adults do need to learn electronic use etiquette. It is frustrating at my place of work when adults are talking or texting on cell phones when I am trying to service them. On the otherhand, I am energized by the prospect of teaching students to explore the world in just seconds using the internet. I can imagine collaborative learning environments encompassing sister classrooms across the nation or in other countries.
