Saturday, October 22, 2011

Double Entry Journal #9

Quote: Many national studies found that internet users were not less likely to visit or call friends and that they actually have larger social networks (DiMaggio et. al. 2001).

Reaction: I completely agree with the statement. Although social networking takes  a lot of time out of our lives it doesn't necessarily mean that it makes an less social in the real world. I know many friends that are very shy but once they get the courage from any type of social networking site they now have the confidence that never had before. The sites allow for people to get associated with each other without actually being there together. It's an easier and faster way to make friends. It may take some time  out of their hands but it still gives them time to have many old and new friends. They still have the opportunity to stay in contact with their friends and family. I find social networking a great idea and chance to get to know people.

Resource: Owens, L. (n.d.). Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded: Facebook, MySpace, Online: Research Refutes Cyber Socializing Fears | Psychology | Retrieved October 20, 2011, from

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Web 2.0 tools

The tool I chose is Liveminutes. Liveminutes is a site that allows for a group to have a sort of web conference. Unlike any other web conferencing site, this site keeps all the documents that are discussed saved. Anything that was said or done is saved to review. I believe this tool would be great for a classroom. One example is when working on projects.If the students are working on a project do not have the transportation or the time to meet they can easily ope up the site and meet through the webcam. They can save all the ideas and work that is done on that same site. Something that needs to be considered is that the teacher would have to revise each meeting and make sure what is being done is strictly school work.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


In my future classroom I will use Voki avatars as much as possible. I find that tool extremely interesting and entertaining for the children. There are endless

A lesson plan I would use with voki is in the reading.  Sometimes teachers read out loud to their students. Instead of me reading I could just put the material on a voki.The students would be more interested in it and would be more focused. You could use the Voki  tool in many different subjects through out the years. It is a great way to get the childrens attention.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Double Journal Entry #7

QUOTE:"Media literacy in the past tended to focus on alerting students to stereotypes, advertising, and propaganda and on protecting them from undesirable influences. Today's digital media literacy encompasses many additional topics, from using search engines, to creating Web sites and online profiles, to participating in social networking. One of the most basic strands of media literacy emphasizes the skills and knowledge students need to locate and critically assess online content."

Reaction:  Technology and the perspective has changed in the past few years. Students are now encouraged to create blogs and profiles to create additional skills. The society has changed and now relies on the internet in many ways. Even for careers an employer some type of technological skill. Students should be introduced to technology in their younger years. The internet is a large part of our lives now days and students should now that. Creating social networking sites and profiles lets them be creative when creating blogs. It also lets them be more self conscious with what they write. Their peers are more important to them then any teacher. They feel that a peer criticism is  stronger than a teachers. 

Resource:Resource: David, Jane L.. "Educational Leadership." ASCD. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2011.

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Magazine Cover

Deconstructing Anorld Picture #2

1. What do you see? How does he look?
 I see Arnold sitting down in a black and red suit. He has a kind of scary smile on his face and pointing his finger at me. He looks old, intelligentant, political and in a way like uncle sam.

2. How does he make you feel?
He makes me feel interested towards the topic that is being discussed.

3. What do you think about this person now?
I now feel that he can also be an intelligent man by the caption towards his article. He is running for Governor.
4. How does he look?  How do those "looks: influence how you feel?
He looks very excited and anxious for his term. It makes me feel worried because he looks more excited than intelligent. He has a look that makes him look not so confident.

5.What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted? 
His lifestyles looks more educated and well dressed. His values are not exactly shown but there is a ring on his finger so it shows he does have a marriage value.

6.What are the differences between the two covers? What techniques are used to attract your attention? Pay attention to body language, clothing, camera angle, lighting, color, eye contact ect.
There are many differences between the two covers. The first picture displays Arnold as a silly meathead that seems only concerned on his muscles and his body. The second picture displays Arnold as a educated and well dressed man. With picture #1 the lighting is a lot brighter and displays Arnold in a shinier way, more attractive. Picture#2s lighting is dull and boring; the colors used all match in some way creating a more bendable look.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deconstructing Arnold Picture #1

1. I see Arnold Schwarzenegger posing in a small and tight shirt. He is also wearing sunglasses and his face looks injured. He looks indestructable and very powerful.
2. He makes me feel small and vulnerable.
3. I would think he would be extremely mean and sort of like a bully. They make him look muscular to the point that men would be want to be like him.
4. He looks scary and intimidating. I now look he is a meathead type of guy.
5.He looks less intelligent and just worried about his muscles. It seems to look that his values are just working out.